I have been following the CFL for the last two years. I find it highly entertaining. Both Grey Cup games have rivaled any NFL championship . I have also studied CFL history, especially it’s venture into the USA. I understand Canadians’ concerns when it comes to another attempt to place teams outside their borders. I believe that the league tried to expand too fast with too many teams. The results were disastrous. However, if just one team were placed in the United States, I think great interest would ensue. St. Louis could be that place. I agree with many of the points that I have read on this website. However, there is one issue that I disagree with. That is with the name. If we are going to truly part ways with the NFL, let it be complete. Rams was simply a name brought from LA, and to LA it returned. Besides, does anyone really believe that the all-mighty league would allow that name without a court challenge? Just ask Baltimore how that turned out. No, let’s start anew. Of the nine teams in the CFL, none of them have the colors of silver and black. I would propose that those be our teams colors. And what about the name or mascot? What is our city’s most recognizable symbol? Of course we all know it’s the gateway Arch. But how can a monument be a mascot you might ask? Simple: a duel meaning. A warrior who fights with a bow and arrow: an Archer! We could be the St. Louis Archers. The emblem could be both the Arch and an Archer. I hope many of you will take my idea into consideration.

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The idea is not to keep the name.  The names: Rams, the football Cardinals, and the NFL, are symbols of St. Louis' sports past that should always be remembered, if only to motivate us to continue to move forward. There will be a contest in early summer 2018 to vote on the 3 Top Names for a St. Louis Football Franchise, that uniquely and distinctly represents our city, region, culture and heritage.   Thank you for you input.

I agree. A name that represents St. Louis and its people would certainly have more meaning.

I think the CFL is developing a good fan base in the U.S. and would be very welcome in St. Louis. The Edward Jones dome is probably too large for a CFL team though. Most CFL teams average around 20,000 per game or less. The costs associated with playing in the dome would be very expensive. I would love to see a team here in the future but they seem to be ready to add Halifax and other Canadian markets before returning to the US. The ESPN deal is a real plus though for future expansion.

Understand where you are coming from about the team names. But the NFL had took two teams away from the STL. So it will be great if we keep the name Saint Louis Rams.


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