Unless St. Louis want's to wait another 20 years for the NFL to grant us another team (as LA did), the CFL is our best option to have Professional Football in St. Louis.  So, do we waste our time begging the NFL for the next 2 decades (or more) or do we get creative, and strategic, and develop a football franchise that is uniquely St. Louis?

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Great Idea!!!  Would have never thought of the CFL as an option.

Go Winnipeg Blue Bombers!  I'll put them against any of the elite nfl teams.

Most definitely DO-A-BLE!  After watching your videos I would drive up to see the games.

CFL best way to get your football on in the summer, when there's no nfl.  Go RedBlacks!

If the tickets are affordable and the games are competitive, i'm all the way in.  I really like that we can keep the name the St. Louis Rams - CFL.

The Tickets are very affordable because the team expenses are low.  I am annoyed this year because my seasons ticket in Calgary is going up to $600 for the year (including playoff game if there is a home one this year).

Chiming in from Calgary.

Thanks for posting the videos.  I had no idea about CFL.  Seems a lot more offense oriented than the NFL.  That's actually my kind of football game. You can count me in.  I'm a FAN!

They are just as professional as NFL players. They seem to bee faster and in better shape.  No fat guys out there running around.  I'm an artist.  It would be a honor to design the jerseys.

Why the hell NOT? Sounds like a great idea.

It's an awesome idea.  And since CFL games are played between June and November, it wouldn't interfere with NFL games.  And since all die hard football fans hate that there's no NFL football starting from the end of the Super Bowl till late fall, this would make St. Louis the center of the football universe for all football fans in America for the entire summer. This would shine a positive light on our city and give it a lot much needed good publicity, in light of all the negative publicity that we've experienced over the past couple years, including the relocation of the Rams.

Wow, CFL in the US....that's a blast from the past. 

Good luck, though you will have a lot of skepticism from CFL fans. The last time we tried US expansion it didn't work out so well. :) 

There is a very good reason it did not work out. One expansion to too many cities at once, secondly the US coaches understanding of the Canadian game was lacking and then you have those that no matter if they had a team in their city would only watch the NFL. Most American fans are so hooked on the NFL hype that they would not support a franchise.  The American fan does not realize the difference in the game it is football at the end of the day. But the players need to be faster on the line of scrimmage and coaches require better knowledge of the game if they implement game plans suitable for the NFL they will get taken to the cleaners. Coaches fail to realize a bigger field is tougher on defenses fast defensive players are required. The game is more passing! A coach that loves the passing game would love it of course. But these are truly the problem with the expansion to the USA.  Any thoughts how to get around this? 


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