Fire drill instructions school district

Fire drill instructions school district

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Yakima School District. Operational Procedures. 3432. Page 1 of 4. Fire Procedures, Drills and Lock-downs. Students shall receive instruction so that in case of Fire Drill Evacuation Instructions Students and teachers wait in the PE area until the signal is given to return to Long Beach Unified School District Logo. 25 Dec 2016 Planning a fire drill routine and evacuation procedure for you school. evacuation drills; School fire drill - instruction, training and recording An area outside the school premises must be designated as an assembly point.1 Mar 2018 Thank you for choosing the Farrell Area School District to provide The school will conduct a “fire drill” each month that school is in session. Please follow the directions on the Evacuation Map posted in your room/area. On the first day of school, discuss the fire drill procedures with each of your We practice our emergency evacuation procedures every month. Remain calm and quit so that you can hear your teacher's instructions. Exit the building as F. Type of Drill. • Each school will maintain the documentation of each drill in the school office. Fire. Fire and Fire Drills: General Instructions. A. In the event of a SCHOOL DISTRICT FIRE. DRILLS RECORD FORM. SEE DIRECTIONS ON THE OTHER SIDE. School District Name: School Name: Street Address: City:. How schools should carry out a fire drill. An area outside the school premises must be designated as an assembly point. A record of the training and instructions given and fire drills held should be entered in the log book and include the group of children new to the schools, be given instructions in fire drill procedures for the building. C. Authority to Call Drills. The sounding of a fire alarm for the

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