Itextsharp xmlworker the document has no pages

Itextsharp xmlworker the document has no pages
















iText 5 is the previous major version of iText's leading PDF SDK. iText 5 has been EOL, and is no longer developed. Switch your project to iText 7, integrating the latest developments. Check related iText 7 content! For the release of iText 5.4.5 some bug fixes and improvements were added for Core, XML Worker and RUPS. Release notes Changelog It works great.However, since it is using htmlWorker, it makes it difficult to format the page and use css to meet our specs. As a result, I attempted to convert the code from that link to the xmlWorker. It inserts records into the database successfully. However, it is not sending the email and of course no PDF attachment. did with previous versions that didn't have XMLWorker[Helper]". In other words, we used to build PDF from HTML like (pseudo-code): List objects = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(); foreach (IElement element in objects) {document.Add(element);} The section the OP quoted from the documentation states: Here are the step what you need to do 1- Install itext sharp and XMLWorker from Itextsharp from nuget 2-Then put ur design in html (here Invoice.html) with inline CSS 3-Make sure all tag are ended properly like breakpoint or td (here I got error earlier) If you get an exception saying The document has no pages or you think that "iText isn't parsing my HTML" it is almost definite that you don't actually have HTML, you only think you do. Third, the built-in class that's been around for years is the HTMLWorker however this has been replaced with XMLWorker ( Java / .Net ). RaptorXML Server. In today's organizations, Big Data trends and XBRL mandates are producing huge, ever increasing amounts of XML, XBRL, JSON, and Avro data. Now, there is finally a modern, hyper-fast engine to validate, process, transform, and query it all. RaptorXML provides strict conformance with all relevant Mailkit: Converting HtmlBody to pdf using iTextSharp XMLWorker throws "The document has no pages" I'm trying to convert the HtmlBody of the e-mails I get from a mailserver using Mailkit and looks like iTextSharp doesn't really like the html I'm passing it.My method works well with a "sample" html code but I get a The document has no pages

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