Log user activity linux tutorial

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linux see what other users are doing
linux log user commands
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Mar 24, 2017 How To Monitor User Activity In Linux Generally, the user's command line history details will be stored in .bash_history file in their HOME Apr 19, 2018 In this post, we'll go over the top Linux log files server administrators should monitor. about successful logins and tracks the activities of valid users. that is logged when a new package is installed using the yum command.Install acct : sudo apt-get install acct in addition to login/logout. It provides logs of every single command run by every single user. dear all , Actually i want to keep track of all the commands executed in a bash prompt of users , very much in same manner as it is displayed Dec 17, 2017 One of the most critical tasks you have as a system administrator is to monitor your system for any suspicious activity that might indicate a Nov 14, 2006 It is recommended that you log user activity using process accounting. Process accounting allows you to view every command executed by a This isn't happening for the purpose to monitor the user and sell this usage data and enter the following command: “sudo apt-get install activity-log-manager”. The best solution to your problem would be Linux' built-in audit here's a magic solution : Sep 15, 2017 Are you a Linux system administrator and want to monitor interactive activity of all system users (Linux commands they executes) in real-time. I am managing a team of Linux System Administrators, which manages a large number of servers remotely. Now how can I keep track of each user activity for audit purpose and to keep record of each command is How to install rootsh?

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