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Manual Handling Operations Regulations, Guidance on Regulations, L23, HSE, 1992 requires employers to provide adequate health and safety training: • On Manual Handling is the transporting or supporting of a load by one or more people Manage Health & Safety; Provide safe place & systems of work; Prepare a Manual Handling Awareness Training. Last Updated: 2 August 2018. 2. Outline. What is manual handling? What are the risks of manual handling? What makes With the person next to you, list 5 manual tasks in your area that could cause an injury & why. Manual tasks are more than lifting; they can include static postures, Health and Safety. Executive. Small Sites Manual handling. Presenters name in Arial regular 32pt. Introduction. Lifting and moving loads manually is one of the Manual Handling Training. SAFELAB COURSE. Introduction. Legislation; Anatomy; Ergonomics; Principles of lifting. Objectives. At the end of this session you A TRAINING FOR THE. METALWORKING INDUSTRIES. MANUAL HANDLING OF MATERIALS. Updated on June 2015. Introduction. Risk management on Manual Handling. Dietsmann HSE Awareness Campaign. Let Safety be your Guideline! Prevent fatigue, prevent injuries, prevent accidents; Handling: take careBACK AND LIFTING SAFETY. Lifting Hazards and Some Ideas on How to Reduce Your Risk of Lifting Injury. BACK AND LIFTING SAFETY. By the end of this Manual Handling. Health and Safety Adviser. Manual Handling Incidents. How injuries can occur. Main factors in injuries. Fatigue; Poor posture; “quickly get the

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