10 PALS Instructor Essentials Instructor Candidate Workbook, June 8, 2017 Preparing Your Materials How to Get the Forms You Need to Teach All instructors are required to have their own copy of the Instructor Manual for the course they will be teaching. The Instructor Manual has a checklist of everything you'll need to prepare for and teach a BLS, ACLS, & PALS Algorithms. Algorithms help providers to be prepared to respond to life-threatening medical events in a systematic fashion. These algorithms provide a step-by-step process for responding to various emergency situations. By learning and mastering these algorithms, you will be better prepared to face these challenges in the The PALS Systematic Approach is designed to provide a complete and thorough approach to the evaluation and treatment of an injured or critically ill child. It has several decision points and actions that must be committed to memory by PALS providers to ensure a high standard of care. View Algorithm Pediatric Bradycardia - Pulse & Poor Perfusion Age Birth (12 hrs, <1000g) Birth (12 hrs, 3kg) Neonate (96 hours) 1-12 months 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-7 years 10-12 years 12-15 years Systolic BP (mm Defibrillation in PALS Guidelines The initial dose for defibrillation in kids is 2-4J/kg and it's not unreasonable to go higher if necessary according to our experts. Lidocaine is added to to the PALS guidelines in the cardiac arrest algorithm for shock resistant VF and pVT More than 20 000 infants and children have a cardiac arrest per year in the United States. 1-4 In 2015, emergency medical service-documented out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) occurred in more than 7000 infants and children. 4 Approximately 11.4% of pediatric OHCA patients survived to hospital discharge, but outcomes varied by age, with survival rates of 17.1% in adolescents, 13.2% in 2015 Guidelines PALS Instructor -Led Training FAQ As of October 6, 2016 Course Information Q: What is the AHA's PALS ILT Course? A: The PALS Course, updated to reflect the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC , is the AHA's advanced pediatric life support course. The goal of the PALS Course is to improve the quality of care Objectives • Pediatric advanced life support 2017 guidelines are presented in 4 parts presentations • To provide up to date management of life threatening conditions • To help the pediatricians and emergency physicians to pass the PALS examination 3. PART 1 PEDIATRIC ASSESSMENT 4. DOWNLOAD THIS CHECKLIST to help keep track of your progress on the site. (This is a 2 page PDF. Once downloaded, you can edit & save the PDF without printing) PALS Algorithm Diagrams PALS Systematic Approach Algorithm Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Algorithm Pediatric Bradycardia Algorithm PALS Tachycardia With a Pulse and Adequate Perfusion Algorithm The AHA PALS Provider Manual contains all the information students need to successfully complete the AHA PALS Course. The PALS Provider Manual is for use by a single student and provides information needed before, during, and after class. This manual includes the PALS Reference Card, which is also sold separately (AHA product 20-1118) Recognition of arrhythmias. In: Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual, Samson RA, Schexnayder SM, Hazinski MF et al (Eds), American Heart Association, Dallas, Tx 2016. p.239. Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual, Chameides L, Samson RA, Schexnayder SM, Hazinski MF (Eds), American Heart Association, Dallas 2012. Th
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