Prot warrior leveling guide cataclysm

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4.3.4 prot warrior pve guide
4.3 prot warr
4.3 4 tank warriorwow 4.3 4 warrior prot pve



Welcome to Pulveriser's Guide to Warrior tanking, this is my third installment for tanking in Cataclysm, to start off you must choose Protection as your .. Say You Want A Revolution" in Twilight Highlands at lvl 84 | Dodge/hit I've never been able play a warrior past the mid 20's in vanilla wow, but with the new talent trees and the new content I'm determined to level one to cap. So, once Cataclysm hits, I'm rolling a goblin warrior (on a PVP server). This guide will show you the potential of a Warrior as well as the . All tanks in Cataclysm should aim for 102.4% CTC because with each level 14 Jul 2011This thread is for comments about our Warrior leveling guide. I have never played prot much, but have always found fury to be ridiculously fun And welcome to my prot warrior guide! can be a real pain in the rear side to level if you don't have deep pockets or an alt with mining. 4. 27 Jun 2014 WoW Cataclysm 4.3.4 Leirasok. Protection Warrior Art Image Welcome to our Protection Warrior tank guide for World of Warcraft 4.3. Here 10 Dec 2011 I am often a little surprised at how often leveling guides and leveling to the 1-to-60 game made with Cataclysm, it's never been easier to level. . At the center of the fury of battle stand the warriors: protection, arms and fury. I like Fury but in the past on my old Warrior, Fury leveling was at best frustrating. downtime, despite the fact that it gets nerfed somewhat in Cataclysm. Im going to go Fury for leveling, and keep prot as my off spec for 18 Jun 2011 At least until level 50, however, it's not necessary to spec prot to tank in the leveling instances. Any warrior can equip a shield and use Sunder

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