The structural equation modelling with partial least squares estimation (PLS-SEM) has been used in a wide variety of research areas, increasing exponentially the number of articles published using this method. There are several reasons for this to be happening, but one of them is the fact that the SmartPLS software facilitated the use of PLS-SEM. PDF | On Jul 1, 2017, T. Ramayah and others published PLS-SEM using SmartPLS 3.0: Chapter 13: Assessment of Moderation Analysis | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate SMART PLS: PLS sample size rules ( Hair et al 2016) With respect to PLS, the literature frequently uses the " 10 times" rule of thumb as the guide for estimating the minimum sample size requirement. This rule of thumb suggests that PLS only requires a sample size of 10 times the most complex relationship within the research model. The most complex relationship is the larger value between Smart PLS 2.0 software could be utilized to explore statistical relationships among the items of each constructs and also between constructs. Using Smart PLS, the researcher could model the complex model with the large number of indicators and latent constructs, estimate, and assess the model to identify the relationship among construct interest. 61 Table 5.1. Final Factor Analysis -Three Components has been identified Rotated Component Matrix a Component 1 2 3 ISS15 .830 ISS18 .774 PLS-SEM with SmartPLS Case Study A Company wants to measure the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty through SEM. To do that, the survey was collected and model was established based on theory with following latent variables and indicators. Each statement (indicator) was measure on a 7-point Figure 15: PLS-SEM Results. Among all estimation results, the 3 key information that SmartPLS can inform you about the model are: Outer loadings (in reflective measurement model) or outer weights (in formative measurement model) Path coefficients for the structural model relationship. R 2 values of the latent endogenous variables. In essence, PLS path modeling is a robust SEM technique which is flexible in handling, a very user-friendly path modeling tool, with an intuitive visual interface. Courses' Description The objectives of our online courses are to inform participants of the uses and applications of structural equation modeling (SEM) software and to provide theory The statistical data is calculated with the SmartPLS software. SmartPLS is a tool created for statistical analysis, namely PLS - SEM (Structural Equation Model). The paper describes the advantages and disadvantages of SmartPLS and provides an argument for the use of SmartPLS in the scientific world. At the moment the…. Author: Toshiba Created Date: 6/28/2020 6:31:46 PM regression as it is different from PLS-SEM) until mid 2000s. The first generation of PLS-SEM software that was commonly used in the 1980s included LVPLS 1.8 but it was a DOS-based program. The subsequent arrival of PLS-Graph and VisualPLS added graphical a interface but they have received no significant updates since their initial releases. PLS-SEM regression as it is different from PLS-SEM) until mid 2000s. The first generation of PLS-SEM software that was commonly used in the 1980s included LVPLS 1.8 but it was a DOS-based program. The subsequent arrival of PLS-Graph and VisualPLS added graphical a interface but they have received no significant updates since their initial releases. PLS-SEM SMART-PLS W
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