Trius one step trap manually |587|

Shop Trius 10201 1-Step Clay Pigeon Trap, Multicolour, One Size. Free delivery and returns on all eligible orders. MANUAL CLAY PIGEON TRAP, DT500 4.6 out of 5 stars 3. ?149.99. Clay trap for Clay Pigeon Shooting 2.7 out of 5 stars 3. Quality Replacement Parts, Inc. was established in 1982 to service all types of shooting facilities and re-builders of sport shooting equipment. We produce a well-designed product giving it a longer life and normally sell these products at a lower price than our competitors.
















One person can throw and shoot. High angle target clip included. The Trius 1-Step is almost effortless to use. Arm is set after targets are placed on arm without tension. Step on pedal to put tension on the arm and release targets in one motion. The Pachmayr® Trius 1-Step Portable Clay Target Trap features steel and aluminum construction and sun- and oil-resistant rub strips. Skip to content. Find a Store; / Pachmayr Trius 1-Step Portable Clay Target Trap. Trap Throwers. 3104910 99.99 USD. Online Only. Champion Traps and Targets 40901 Champion High FlyString Release Manual Trap. by Champion Traps and Targets. $25.99. 3.9 out of 5 stars 294. Trius Original Trap. by Trius. $56.00. 4.6 out of 5 stars 30. by Trius 10201 One Step Trap (1 Unit) $190.00. Need customer service? Click here I puchased the Trius one step trap to use to practice to shoot clays. The trap assembly was fairly straightforward, needing a few hand tools (a wrench & socket or another wrench). Just recently purchased a Trius One Step Trap thrower off of Amazon. Assembled it this weekend and tried it out. Wow, for less than $100 this is a really solid little trap thrower. 2. Trius One Step Trap. With the Trius One Step Trap, just one person can throw and shoot. As its name suggests, this trap offers one-step cocking for easy and effortless target release. Easy Loading and Shooting. To use the Trius, set the arm, and place the target onto the arm without tension. Home > Hobby &

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