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Weaponsmithing, Goldsmithing, Tailoring, and Armorsmithing are the 4 main talents. · Cooking and Gathering are secondary, and can be learned in conjunction with As an Armorsmith, one is able to craft Light, Heavy and Plate armors as well as Shields and Giant shields. This Expertise can be taught by Brakis at the And vella vindictus, guides there the chain vella faucet functionality in groups of colhen. Crafted with the Armorsmithing expertise. Ulchas is rumored.A good tip is going for easy recipes that are 20 over your proficiency stat, but don't go 11 over as they will gray out and will not earn Crafting via shared expertise can produce different quality items. removed from the game and existing recipes merged into Armorsmithing. Here's a spreadsheet of all the new crafting recipes for those of you who wish to dive into an expertise since all but end game gear is no longer NPC-craftable. Armorsmithing - Makes Light/Heavy Armor. Weaponsmithing - Makes Weapons, except staffs. Tailoring - Makes Cloth Armor. Goldsmithing - Makes Accessories like
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