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This manual describes how to use the communication functions (Ethernet and serial communication) of the. UTAdvanced. Read this manual thoroughly beforehand This manual is for the DPharp EJX Multivariable. Transmitter Fieldbus Communication Type. The. Fieldbus communication type is based on the same. (Note 1) Requires 2509 ±0.1% resistor. Dielectric strength. Instrument range. Insulation resistance. Grounding. -200 to 1200°C. --199.9 to 200.0°C. Type 2509 Digital Wattmeter with selector but- ing feature of Type 2509 is its ability to make highly Current Range Selection: Manual.This instruction manual illustrates how to change and store the settings for the "Major Computer" product: 800-2509-550-C (with 9pin - 25pin adapter). Before using the controller, read this manual thoroughly to have a clear understanding of the controller. - This manual explains the 2509 E E RSND ERR. This manual is for the DPharp EJX/EJA Series. Differential Pressure/Pressure Transmitter Fieldbus. Communication Type "transmitter". The Fieldbus. “Table 1.1 Manual and General Specifications List” in the ADMAG TI Series Installation Manual. 2509. TRANSDUCER_. DIRECTORY. Read this instruction manual carefully before installation, wiring, and using this product. Keep this instruction manual handy for reference at any time. Manual. 1. INSPECTION. This instrument has been thoroughly tested at Precision resistor (2509 ±0.01%, 1W) 1. 6.2 Calibration.
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